Course on Addiction and Recovery Education (CARE)

Medical students in class

The CARE online curriculum, in partnership with the NYU Grossman School of Medicine, prepares medical students and practitioners from around the world to identify, intervene and address substance use disorders with their patients.

"No matter what specialty medical students choose, they will take care of patients with substance use disorders. These cases encourage them to start thinking about the impact of substance use on health."
—Sharon Levy, MD, MPH, Associate Professor in Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School

Read the Hazelden Betty Ford Medical Education 2021 Annual Report to learn how we are educating medical students and professionals to recognize and respond to the challenges of addiction.

Designed for Medical Students

Medical students receive 2-10 hours of education about addiction, a disease that strikes 1 in 10 Americans over the age of 12.*

This lack of formal substance use disorder training has left many of today's practicing physicians inadequately prepared to assess, intervene, manage, and treat addiction and co-occurring disorders. Properly trained providers will be positioned to better serve substance use patients as well as improve the overall quality and cost-effectiveness of health care.

The Hazelden Betty Ford Course on Addiction and Recovery Education (CARE), an online learning curriculum, was originally developed in collaboration with MedU (now Aquifer), the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), and the Treatment Research Institute (TRI) to address the widely recognized need for substance use disorder education in medical schools. 

"Training in medical school is essential to ground future doctors with the belief that addictions are common, chronic illnesses."
—R. Jeffrey Goldsmith, MD, DLAPA, FASAM, Past President of the American Society of Addiction Medicine] 

In 2020, the NYU Grossman School of Medicine partnered with Hazelden Betty Ford to expand the reach of this important curriculum by hosting CARE within its suite of online learning modules.


As part of the Grossman School of Medicine Continuing Education, course participants will benefit from:

  • Easy access and navigation
  • Interactive and engaging format
  • Customizable modules

Through TED-style videos, leading addiction scientists and clinicians present the latest information and best practices on 14 topics, including:

  • Neurobiology of Addiction
  • Psychiatric Comorbidity
  • Epidemiology of Addiction
  • Evidence-Based Behavioral Therapies
  • Medication in the Treatment of Addiction
  • Genetic in Alcohol and Substance Use Disorders

Course participants can review virtual patient profiles covering the following topics:

  • Pregnancy and Alcohol Abuse
  • Cannabis Use in Adolescents
  • Pain Management and Liability for Addiction
  • Alcohol Withdrawal
  • Dermatology and Stimulant Use
  • IV Heroin Use and HIV

Get Started

A free case study, as well as information about institutional, individual or CME subscriptions is available online through the Grossman School of Medicine Continuing Education platform.

For more information on the program, please call Joseph Skrajewski, Executive Director of Medical and Professional Education, at 1-760-773-4375 or email

*2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)