Evidence-Based Treatment Series

The world of substance use disorder treatment is often perplexing and overwhelming. We’ve created this series to help you wrap your mind around different therapeutic approaches, best practices and clinical outcomes.
Mature adult Caucasian woman with blonde hair is smiling and looking at laptop computer screen. Adult student or writer is sitting at desk in large modern library with bright windows. She is using a large stack of textbooks to study

The world of addiction treatment has much of its own language, with plenty of acronyms and catch phrases.

To help get consumers and clinicians on the same page, the Butler Center for Research has created a series of informational summaries describing:

  • Evidence-based addiction treatment modalities
  • Distinctive levels of substance use disorder treatment
  • Specialized drug and alcohol treatment programs

Each summary includes:

  • A definition of the therapeutic approach, level of care or specialized program
  • A discussion of applicability, usage and practice
  • A description of outcomes and efficacy
  • Research citations and related resources for more information

2017 Evidence-Based Treatment Series